Member-only story

More power to you

How often have you treated your negative thoughts or feelings as a huge, hairy monster standing in the corner rubbing its hands together in wait?

How often have you handed your power over to those thoughts or feelings?

How many times have your thoughts or feelings deterred you from a positive opportunity?

I’m raising my hand and waving it wildly because I can answer “often” to all those questions. I honestly used to think that something was wrong with me. Until I learned about a little something called negative bias.

The reality is that our negative thoughts and feelings are not there to take us down, to ruin us, to make us feel less than unless…wait for it…

We let them. Unless we continue to view them as more powerful than we are.

Do you want to know a little secret?

All our thoughts and feelings, including the negative ones, are just data and we get to decide what to do with that data.

Take fear for example. Fear is an emotion that is formed in response to a belief or thought, that triggers a feeling, which causes us to act in certain ways.


And when it comes to fear our brains don’t know the difference between a dangerous situation and us trying to step outside our comfort zones.

When fearful thoughts creep in, our brains forget that everything is all right. Our brains forget that we have…



Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠
Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠

Written by Pam Aks, M.S., PCC, RMT 🧠 Mindset Coach 🧠

Supporting leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches create #unstoppable confidence to take bolder actions.

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